Tuesday, 17 January 2023

Spiritual features of a subtle picture drawn by an artist lady-seeker as part of her spiritual practice, meaning, ‘Art for God-realisation’ and not ‘Art for the sake of art’

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Scientific experiment conducted by Maharshi Adhyatma
Vishwavidyalay  using ‘PIP’ (Polycontrast Interference hotography) technology

‘Subtle’ is that which is beyond the comprehension of the five gross sense organs (Nose, tongue, eyes, skin and ears), mind and intellect. ‘Subtle world’ is that which cannot be comprehended by the five gross sense organs, but its existence can be experienced. After studying the pictures and sculptures in ancient structures such as caves, pyramids, religious places, mansions, etc. we realise that almost all cultures in the world have curiosity about the subtle world. ‘Subtle pictures’ satisfy this curiosity to some extent. ‘Subtle picture’ or ‘Picture based on subtle knowledge’ is a drawing made on paper by an individual who has subtle perception ability to depict the spiritual phenomenon he perceives and sees with his subtle vision about a specific subject. Some artists draw subtle pictures with a commercial intent; whereas, some draw them as hobby. One artist lady-seeker began to draw subtle pictures as a part of her spiritual practice under the guidance of a Guru. On 6.10.2017, an experiment was conducted at Sanatan’s Ashram in Ramnathi, Goa using the PIP (Polycontrast Interference Photography) technology to study the changes that have taken place in the vibrations emitting from a subtle picture drawn by the artist lady-seeker due to the spiritual practice she performs. PIP technology is useful in studying the energy field (Aura) around an object and individual. The observations of this experiment and their analysis are given ahead.


1. Nature of the experiment

In this experiment, a blank sheet of paper was placed on the table and a photo of the environment was clicked by using PIP technology. This is termed as the ‘Baseline reading’. Then, one-by-one, PIP photos of a subtle picture drawn by a commercial artist, a subtle picture drawn by an artist lady-seeker before she commenced spiritual practice and a subtle picture of a Saint drawn by the same artist lady-seeker 10 years after commencing spiritual practice under the guidance of the Guru were clicked after placing them on a table. A comparative study of these photos helped us understand the impact of vibrations emitting from these three subtle pictures on the environment.


2. Information about the subtle pictures used in the experiment

2A. A subtle picture drawn by an artist with a commercial intent

This subtle picture drawn by an artist with a commercial intent is of an energy from the subtle world.

2B. Subtle picture drawn as part of her art by
an artist lady-seeker before commencing spiritual practice

This subtle picture is drawn by artist lady-seeker Mrs. Yoya Vallee (Now H.H. [Mrs.] Yoya Vallee) as part of her art in 1999 before commencing spiritual practice. The subtle picture is of some energy from the subtle world.

2C. Subtle picture drawn by the artist lady-seeker in obedience to the
Guru 10 years after commencing spiritual practice under the guidance of the Guru

This subtle picture of a Saint is drawn by artist lady-seeker Mrs. Yoya Vallee in 2009 in obedience to and under the guidance of her Guru 10 years after commencing spiritual practice.


3. The observations and their analysis

3A. Baseline reading

Proportion of positive vibrations being higher in Sanatan Ashram due to its sattvik environment : In the aura of the Baseline reading (Meaning, in the aura of the environment noticed before setting the experiment samples on the table) the total positive vibrations were 68% and total negative vibrations were 32%.

In Kaliyug, the proportion of emission of negative vibrations from a common premises is higher than that of positive vibrations.

This experiment was conducted in the very sattvik Sanatan Ashram; therefore, during the Baseline reading (Before placing the subtle pictures for the experiment) the proportion of total positive vibrations in the aura of the environment was higher than that of the total negative vibrations. In the readings given ahead, auras of the samples used in the experiment are compared with the aura of the ‘Baseline reading’.

3B. Due to the subtle picture drawn by an artist with a
commercial intent, the proportion of positive vibrations and
Chaitanya (Divine consciousness) in the environment reducing

In the aura of this picture, total positive vibrations were 62% and total negative vibrations were 38%. This means the positive vibrations in the aura of this picture had reduced by 6% when compared with the Baseline reading. In the aura of the Baseline reading, the yellow of Chaitanya was 26%; whereas, in the aura of this subtle picture it was 10%. From this it becomes clear that the proportion of Chaitanya in this subtle picture drawn by the commercial artist reduced greatly. In short, due to this subtle picture, proportion of negative vibrations in the environment increased and proportion of positive vibrations reduced; additionally, proportion of the emission of Chaitanya also reduced when compared with the Baseline reading.

3C. Due to the subtle picture drawn as part of her art by
the artist lady-seeker before commencing spiritual practice, the
proportion of positive vibrations and Chaitanya in the environment reducing

In the aura of the picture drawn as part of her art by an artist lady-seeker before commencing spiritual practice, the total positive vibrations were 64% and total negative vibrations were 36%. In the aura of this picture, the yellow of Chaitanya was 13%, which means it had reduced when compared with the yellow of Chaitanya (26%) in the Baseline reading. From this it becomes clear that due to this subtle picture, the proportion of positive vibrations and Chaitanya in the environment reduced. (Here, the PIP Photo is not provided since it is similar to Photo number 2.)

3D. Due to the subtle picture drawn by the
artist lady-seeker in obedience to her Guru, 10
years after commencing spiritual practice under the
guidance of her Guru, the proportion of positive vibrations
and proportion of vibrations of purity and haitanya significantly
increasing and proportion of negative vibrations significantly reducing

In the aura of the subtle picture drawn by the artist lady-seeker in obedience to her Guru, 10 years after commencing spiritual practice and under the guidance of her Guru, the total positive vibrations were 77% and negative vibrations were 23%. In the aura of this subtle picture, the yellow of Chaitanya was 44%, which means it had significantly increased when compared with the yellow of Chaitanya (26%) in the Baseline reading.

Additionally, in the aura of this subtle picture, pastel blue which indicates the presence of superior level positive vibrations (Purity and sanctity) than the yellow of Chaitanya was visible to the extent of 10%. In short, we understood that due to this subtle picture, the proportion of positive vibrations, as also the proportion of purity and Chaitanya in the environment significantly increased when compared with the Baseline reading.

The spiritual analysis of all the above observations is given in the ‘Point 4’.


4. Spiritual analysis of the observations

4A. The reason underlying the phenomenon of emission
of moderate level positive vibrations from the subtle picture
drawn by a commercial artist and the subtle picture drawn by
an artist lady-seeker as art before commencing her spiritual practice

A principle in Spirituality states that ‘Word, touch, form, taste, fragrance and their energies co-exist’. Accordingly, the vibrations (Energy) co-existed with the subtle pictures (Form) drawn by both the artists. The vibrations in any picture drawn by an artist depend on various factors such as intention with which the picture has been drawn, subject of the picture, whether or not the artist is performing spiritual practice, the artist’s individual spiritual practice and the Guru’s guidance to the artist performing spiritual practice, etc.

The commercial artist had drawn the subtle picture with the intention of gaining wealth and fame; whereas, the artist lady-seeker, Mrs. Yoya Vallee, had drawn the subtle picture only as her art before commencing spiritual practice. The subject of both the subtle pictures was – ‘Energy from the subtle world’. Both the artists were not performing spiritual practice. In short, the intent of both the artists in drawing these subtle pictures was worldly and both lacked the foundation of spiritual practice; therefore, moderate level positive vibrations were emitting from their subtle pictures.

4B. Emission of superior level positive
vibrations from the subtle picture drawn under
the guidance of the Guru by the artist lady-seeker 10 years after
commencing spiritual practice being the outcome of her spiritual practice

The artist lady-seeker, Mrs. Yoya Vallee, commenced spiritual practice in 1999. Realising her exceptional subtle perception ability, Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale guided her on ‘Art for God-realisation’ and not ‘Art for the sake of art’. He gave her the knowledge on how a subtle picture can be illusory, imaginary, artistic or true. In short, due to the Guru’s guidance, this lady seeker’s spiritual practice got the right direction at the right time. She continued her spiritual practice with yearning.

While performing the satseva of drawing the subtle pictures as part of her spiritual practice, her sattvikata (Spiritual purity) increased and she progressed spiritually. As she progressed spiritually, the accuracy of the subtle pictures drawn by her began to increase. After performing spiritual practice for 10 years in this manner in obedience to her Guru, she drew a subtle picture of a Saint. This picture was used in this experiment. Hence, this picture (drawn by her as a part of her spiritual practice) emitted superior level positive vibrations in significantly high proportion when compared with the subtle picture drawn by her 10 years earlier. This happened because of her spiritual practice and her Guru’s blessings.

In the next few years, this lady-seeker progressed spiritually and attained Sainthood.

Seeker-artists who draw pictures as a part of their spiritual practice for God-realisation, meaning, who draw with a sattvik intent, progress spiritually. Society receives unique knowledge and guidance from their drawings. Spiritually beneficial vibrations are emitted by such pictures. Conversely, society does not benefit spiritually from the pictures drawn as a hobby or with a commercial intent. According to authorities in Spirituality, in the absence of the foundation obtained from spiritual practice, subtle-artists can experience distress caused by negative energies.

Hence, it is necessary for artists to perform spiritual practice and seek guidance of a Guru.

– Mr. Rupesh Laxman Redkar, Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay, Goa. (14.2.2018)

E-mail : savv.research@gmail.com

Note 1 : While comparing PIP Photos 2 & 4 with the Baseline aura (PIP Photo 1), the colours of the area specifically covered by the Photo and table have not been taken into consideration as the PIP technology primarily measures the Aura around an object or a person.

Note 2 : In a PIP Photo, if light green or pastel blue that represent superior level positive vibrations are seen, the proportions of yellow, dark green or green that represent moderate level positive vibrations reduce or these colours completely vanish. This is considered to be a good sign; because, then, the moderate level vibrations have been replaced by superior level vibrations.

‘Subtle world’ is that which cannot be comprehended by the five gross sense organs, but its existence can be experienced !

Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

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