Friday, 25 October 2013

The Llewelyn Encyclopaedia


The Llewelyn Encyclopaedia is an important source of data on esoteric type subjects. Llewelyn is also a well-known publisher of repute.

What follows below is the definition of a search term Astral Light

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.....Astral Light: The definition of this expression is often convoluted. Some refer to it as a type of spiritual energy on the astral plane that controls and molds things there. Others use it to refer to the astral plane itself. In Theosophy it is considered to be the place where all the energy of the universe is stored while waiting to move into the physical plane. It is also the receptacle for all energies moving out of the physical plane and into the spiritual planes. As such, it can be seen as a record of all things that have taken place on the physical and spiritual planes, also known as the Akashic Records.

Astral Light:
The "substance" of the Astral Plane that responds to It is approximately equivalent to Ether, Mana, Vital Fluid, etc. holding the impressions of thought and emotion and feeling, forming memory.
Suggested Reading – Regardie & the Ciceros: The Tree of Life – An Illustrated Study of Magic
Carl Llewellyn Weschcke


Introduction. All hypnosis is truly self-hypnosis and you alone are best qualified to interpret and understand the archival memories. Like other out-of-body procedures, Astral Ascent requires a quiet, comfortable setting with indirect lighting. ...
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Introduction. The purpose of astral outsourcing is to acquire new growth resources through astral plane interactions, often with the aid of discarnates and astral intelligences and guides.  Here is the procedure: Step 1. Outsourcing ...
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Introduction. The retrieval of past-life experiences may include extended psychic perceptions augmenting observation and understanding of events. A comfortable, reclining position in a setting with indirect lighting and free of distractions is ...
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Magical ceremonial can be built up and elaborated to forms of great subtlety and complexity, but the initial principles which cause its creation are simple in the extreme. In the first place, ceremonial is a different thing from meditation, and it ...
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Introduction. Astral Surfing is an advanced Out-of-Body program using highly flexible induction and management procedures. It emphasizes spontaneous out-of-body exploration of the cosmos in the absence of structured limits or specifically defined ...
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After you have learned basic astral projection, the next step is for you to produce a Body of Light that can be used as your vehicle of consciousness on the inner planes. Unlike the basic training we adapted from Ophiel’s “Little ...
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There are two techniques which are frequently called Astral Projection. The first one is frequently mistaken for Astral Projection but is nothing of the kind. It is actually Mental Projection. In Mental Projection you send your mind and senses away ...
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Part One: Astral Plane Therapy Introduction. Even unstructured OBEs at the higher astral planes have been demonstrated to be inherently therapeutic, while those with specified goals are very effective. A comfortable, reclining position with hands ...
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Introduction. Deep emerald green is the color that typically characterizing the astral plane associated with healing, whether mental or physical. Healing through PK Energy-Channeling is based on the concept that certain astral planes are primary ...
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Summary: The Tarot of the Sweet Twilight is a unique and beautiful place where kindnesses are more poignant and pains evoke tenderness. Opposites blend and dance highlighting the beauty in the darker aspects of life and showcasing joy tinged with ...
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