Tuesday, 12 March 2013

The Multidimensional Human....

A chapter-by-chapter outline of The Multidimensional Human: Practices for Psychic Development and Astral Projection by Kurt Leland.

  • Details the origins of the book, and provides a synopsis
  • Recounts how I spent a year on an Internet forum on astral projection, lucid dreams, and out-of-body experiences (OBEs), answering members’ questions, learning what people interested in astral projection are reading, the techniques that do or don’t work for them, the places they get stuck
  • Tells how, through this forum, I became aware of enormously valuable, but mostly forgotten, theosophical material on astral projection published a century or more ago
  • Explains how exposure to this material has greatly accelerated my development as a projector and why I want to pass on what I’ve learned from it about becoming multidimensional humans

Part I. Discovering Your Multidimensionality
  • Explains what it means to be multidimensional humans: how we exist on a variety of planes beyond the physical; we’re mostly unaware of these planes; psychic development and astral projection allows us to explore them
  • Points out that, though some of us are familiar with the astral plane, through reading or direct experience, there are many planes beyond it
  • Reveals that each of these planes is more challenging, yet more rewarding to explore than the last, in terms of range of perception, understanding, opportunities to learn and grow, contact with highly evolved nonphysical beings, and ecstatic spiritual bliss
  • Indicates that pursuing psychic development and astral projection as a spiritual practice allows us to access these planes, climbing them like a ladder until we reach one of our developmental goals as human beings: the ultimate bliss of oneness with the Source of all being

Chapter 1. Invisible Helpers Class
  • Recounts a recent adventure in nonphysical reality, an invisible helpers class, in which I learned to swoop down from a higher plane and help people with problems on the physical plane
  • Explains that I was my causal body, a term used in the ancient wisdom tradition of Theosophy for a more advanced vehicle of consciousness than the astral body experienced by many projectors
  • Defines Theosophy

Chapter 2. Flexibility of Consciousness
  • Introduces several concepts important to the book: flexibility of consciousness, which frees us from ordinary ways of looking at the world; adventures in consciousness, which allow us to explore ourselves as multidimensional humans on the physical and astral planes, and beyond; and provisional beliefs, which help us expand our ideas of what’s possible without bringing us into conflict with the rational, materialistic, often skeptical beliefs we were brought up with

Chapter 3. Energy Bodies and Planes
  • Discusses the theosophical ideas of energy bodies and planes
  • Demonstrates how these bodies are vehicles of consciousness, allowing us to perceive and explore various levels of nonphysical reality--some similar to physical reality (such as the astral plane); others vastly different, beyond space and time

Chapter 4. Vehicles of Consciousness
  • Lists the eight energy bodies and their characteristics, as defined in Theosophy: etheric, astral, mental, causal, buddhic, nirvanic, monadic, and divine
  • Offers this thesis, which the book explores in depth: When we achieve a certain level of consciousness (state), we have access to a set of abilities (senses) that can function like a separate self (energy body), uniquely attuned to an environment (plane) that would otherwise be imperceptible

Chapter 5. The Master Intention
  • Explains how psychic development and astral projection can be pursued as a spiritual practice: by taking care of ourselves and others, and discovering and fulfilling our life purpose, we get closer to the Source of all being
  • Points out that each step we take toward that Source increases our bliss
  • Indicates that the energy bodies and planes are steps between our beginning point, in physical reality, and oneness with the Source
Part II. Exploring Your Inner Senses
  • Offers a definition of the twenty inner senses we need to develop to become multidimensional humans
  • Describes the four categories of inner senses: existential, environmental, kinesthetic, and relational
  • Indicates how the inner senses applies to psychic development and astral projection
  • Provides examples of how these senses operate, from my own experience
  • Includes a provisional belief that activates each sense, and a practice for exploring it in waking reality
  • Insures that our inner senses are operational in future OBEs and dream-based projections, so we can avoid problems noted by many beginning projectors--for example, apparent blindness, inability to move, getting stuck in our bedroom, and encountering negative entities

Chapter 6. The Inner Senses
  • Points out that, as we explore the planes and energy bodies, we develop inner senses that allow us to perceive our surroundings more clearly, and interact with the beings we encounter there
  • Indicates that the basis of pursuing astral projection as a spiritual practice is developing our inner senses

Chapter 7. Know Thyself: The Existential Senses
  • Lists the existential senses: consciousness, durability, creation, evolution, and fulfillment
  • Explains how these senses provide us with the basis of our identity
  • Points out how, without these senses, we terminate OBEs or dream-based projections prematurely: we’re afraid of losing our identity among the unfamiliar surroundings and beings encountered in nonphysical reality

Chapter 8. Developing the Existential Senses
  • Provides instruction in how to develop the existential senses to feel confident in dealing with conditions we encounter beyond the physical plane
  • Includes practices 1-6: The Witness Platform; “This Is Consciousness”; “I Am an Elizabeth”; “This Is Creation”; “You Are a David”; and Limited Self/Unlimited Self

Chapter 9. Know the Terrain: The Environmental Senses
  • Discusses the environmental senses, which helps us perceive and orient ourselves within nonphysical reality: space, time, position, navigation, and perception
  • Explains how space, time, and direction function differently in nonphysical reality
  • Demonstrates how to determine our position in, and navigate through the astral plane, and beyond, enabling us to create inner maps of the realities we explore

Chapter 10. The Perception Sense
  • Points out how whatever we perceive in nonphysical reality is a transformation of energy that must be translated into terms our physically based selves can understand
  • Explains that without the perception sense, which makes such translations possible, we come back from astral projection journeys remembering nothing but a vague sense of bliss
  • Discusses the eight levels of the perception sense, each of which corresponds with one of the energy bodies

Chapter 11. Developing the Environmental Senses
  • Provides instruction in how to develop the environmental senses so we can understand the unfamiliar terrains we travel in when astral projecting
  • Includes practices 7-11: The Spacious Present; Psy-Time; Expanded Consciousness; The Ego/Soul Boundary; and Keeping a Multidimensional Self Journal

Chapter 12. Getting Around on Other Planes: The Kinesthetic Senses
  • Describes the kinesthetic senses, which enable us to move into, through, and between planes: embodiment, spontaneity, mobility, disentanglement, and diffusion
  • Points out how, without these senses, we’re confined to our physical bodies on the physical plane and our astral bodies in the Dream Zone of the astral plane (where we go each night when we dream)

Chapter 13. Developing the Kinesthetic Senses
  • Provides instruction in how to use the kinesthetic senses to move freely on other planes
  • Includes practices 12-16: Grounding Your Energy Field; Dissolving Thought Forms; Exploring Your Energy Bodies; Clearing Unwanted Energies; and Energy Body Tuneup

Chapter 14. Know Who Your Friends Are: The Relational Senses
  • Discusses the relational senses, which enable us to communicate with nonphysical beings in clear and meaningful ways: cooperation, vibration, communication, information, and permeation
  • Explains how, without these senses, we’re often afraid or suspicious of the entities we encounter; or they seem not to hear our questions or ignore us; or they attempt to communicate with us and we receive nothing but gibberish
  • Demonstrates how we can identify and feel safe with nonphysical entities; exchange information with them; and experience mind melds, an intimate form of communication in which we perceive the world from their perspective without loss of identity

Chapter 15. Developing the Relational Senses
  • Provides instruction in how to use our relational senses to communicate with nonphysical beings
  • Includes practices 17-21: “This Is Cooperation”; Inner Vibrational Touch; Feel/Think; The Big But Exercise; and “I See the Divine in You”

Part III. Getting to the Higher Planes
  • Demonstrates how the mission of becoming an invisible helper, the knowledge of how to deal with negative entities, the ability to develop relationships with nonphysical Teachers and Guides, and the understanding of how to target and visit locations on the higher planes represent a comprehensive training program in becoming a multidimensional human
Chapter 16. Becoming an Invisible Helper
  • Provides some “light on the path” (to borrow the title of a theosophical classic) for pursuing psychic development and astral projection as a spiritual practice and becoming a multidimensional human
  • Explains how to create a daily spiritual practice using the inner sense practices from the previous chapters
  • Details how to carry work done thus far with the inner senses onto the astral plane by becoming an invisible helper
  • Includes practices 22-25: Grounding in the Master Intention; Getting into the Astral Body; Requesting to Awaken Fully Refreshed; and Invisible Helper Training Program

Chapter 17. Dealing with Negative Entities
  • Includes practices 26-29: Interrogating Negative Entities; Acting as a Lightning Rod; Clearing Negative Entity Attachments; Cleaning Your Astral Closet

Chapter 18. Finding Trustworthy Guides and Teachers
  • Explains how to tell the difference between true Guides and Teachers in nonphysical reality and misleading negative entities
  • Demonstrates how to develop an "entity trust test" that works as well in physical as in nonphysical reality
  • Includes practices 30-31: Closing and Opening Your Etheric Body; and Sensing the Etheric Body of Others
Chapter 19. Having a Mission in Otherwhere
  • Explains how getting to the higher planes requires a sense of mussion and the importance of aiming for the mental body and plane as a way of mastering the astral body and plane
  • Describes a visit to the Mental Plane Library and explains how to get there yourself
  • Includes Practice 32: Setting Targets in Nonphysical Reality
Chapter 20. The Multidimensional Training Program
  • Uses a little-known lecture by Annie Besant called "Occult Training" to demonstrate how to develop psychic and astral projection abilities safely, including the inner senses described in this book
Appendix. Inner Senses and Laws of the Inner Universe
  • Details the connections between the twenty inner senses described in this book and information channeled through Jane Roberts by her nonphysical teacher Seth on the inner senses and laws of the inner universe
  • Provides a complete list of the existential, environmental, kinesthetic, and relational inner senses

  • Includes citations for the sources quoted
  • Offers important background information on Theosophy and its concepts
  • Recommends books that further develop the inner senses and astral projection abilities

  • Cites 72 books and articles, consulted and quoted from, or otherwise referenced, including material from leading theosophists, Blavatsky, Besant, and Leadbeater; information by the nonphysical teacher Seth, as channeled by Jane Roberts; and the theories and adventures of contemporary consciousness explorers, such as Robert Monroe, Christopher Bache, Robert Bruce, and William Buhlman

Index of Practices
  • A listing of the thirty-two spiritual practices offered throughout the book, in order, with page numbers and indications of the inner senses they develop

General Index
  • Very thorough index for using The Multidimensional Human as a standard text for supporting psychic development and astral projection

    Blogger Reference Link  http://www.p2pfoundation.net/Multi-Dimensional_Science

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