Saturday, 26 March 2022

Tinnitus or Surat Shabd Yoga?


Recently, I have been experiencing something like Tinnitus but I suspect it may be the beginning stage of Surat Shabd Yoga. Critics used to claim that hearing inner sounds was simply a physical phenomenon. However, it could on occasion be something else. In other words, the onset of spiritual experiences. The following is a reproduction of an article on the subject followed by comments which can be seen via a separate link. 

Do you Hear Ringing in Your ears?

If you said yes, you are not alone. Millions and millions of people have sought medical advice hoping to find an answer to the ringing in their ears, only to find there is nothing that medical science can do for them. They are told they suffer from tinnitus or similar maladies.

Although these buzzing, ringing, rushing sounds have been given new names by medical science, they are not new. They are perhaps as old as humankind. In the past, a great deal was written and taught about how to use these sounds productively. Techniques associated with the inner sounds involve the development of internal energy or what may be called spiritual power. Modern practitioners of such techniques often refer to these sounds as the sound current.

Sound current techniques also hold great potential for the expansion of consciousness. To reach into the sound current’s mysteries is to begin a personal adventure of self-discovery.

What does it sound like?

The auditory perceptions we have been referring to may be perceived in many ways. Commonly, they take the form of ringing sounds. They may be perceived as anything from a ringing, or buzzing (like the sound of a florescent light), to music. A common analogy likens the experience to that of listening to high-tension electric power lines. Anyone who has stood near one of the colossal Erector Set-style metal towers with suspended power lines, especially when the air is moist knows the crackly hissing noise.

Please do not be discouraged if you do not relate to the current descriptions. Just because you do not see an exact description of what you hear does not mean that you are not dealing with the sound current. Many other descriptions will follow and still only relatively few of the possible manifestations of the sound current will be explicitly described.

Generally, the “sounds” are first noticed in the right ear, but may be detected anywhere. As we will eventually see, these “sounds” are not sounds at all. The sound current is energy passing through an energy channel near the ear. It is only interpreted as sound.

The list below describes the various ways in which the sound current may be perceived is to catalogue them and give examples.

The first list is from a classic yoga book. It describes some of the more common ways in which the sound current may be perceived. Each description is preceded by its Sanskrit name

1. Cin nadam : Like the hum of the honey-intoxicated bees; idling engine vibration; rainfall; whistling sounds; high frequency sound.

2. Cincin nadam : Waterfall, roaring of an ocean

3. Ghanta nadam : Sound of a bell ringing.

4. Sankha nadam : Sound of a conch shell

5. Tantri vina : Nasal sound, humming sound like that of wire string instrument.

6. Tala nadam : Sound of small tight drum.

7. Venu nadam : Sound of a flute.

8. Mridamga : Sound of a big brass drum

9. Bheri nadam : Echoing sound

10. Megha nadam : Roll of distant thunder.

Additional common descriptions would include the chirping of cricket(s) or boiling teakettle whistling. Flowing water or wind are also common descriptions. These sounds can be of a high frequency, like florescent or halogen light, or of a very low frequency with an undulating or even slowly oscillating palpable physical quality. They may be smooth and harmonious, or very rough and jangly. They may be barely audible or seem more deafening. Often these tones appear just at the edge of hearing or sound very distant. When they seem close and loud, they actually vibrate the physical body.

When Would I Hear it?

The sound current is most noticeable during periods of high stress or paradoxically, deep relaxation. It may be fair to say that perception of the sound current is most notable when the body’s homeostasis is either highly threatened or highly attuned. Perception of the sound current may be particularly strong under the following circumstances:

  • Sleep Deprevation
  • Illness or High Fever
  • Influence of Drugs and Alchohol
  • Physical or Emotion Trauma

All of the above bulleted items relate to altered states of consciousness. They also represent potentially dangerous situations for the physical body. None of these is advised for inducing perception of the sound current. Aside from the obvious dangers of employing such methods, there is an inherent distortion of the natural experience associated with the stress created by such methods. Consequently the psyche cannot interpret the resulting perceptions well. The quality of subsequent experiences is also compromised by the body’s attempt to recover from the onslaught of imbalanced energy.

The sound current can be explored in its positive aspects through quiet inner stillness or focused energy technique. The following practices are recommended for enhancing perception of the sound current and personal vitality in general:

  • Deep Relaxation Techniques (Yoga)
  • Certain Types of Breath work
  • Shabad Surat Yoga

Exercise : Playing with the Sound Current

Sitting quietly and comfortably with your eyes closed; listen to the sound curernt’s tones. Locate where the tones appear to be within or near your body.

Now isolate a tone on the right side of your head. If one is not there then simply intend to find one. Play with the sound by smoothing its vibrations or raising its pitch by gently reaching into it and intending a harmonious result.

Once you have a nice clean tone, see if you can move it to your crown chakra, or hair swirl. Listen to this chakra tone for a few minutes with a quiet mind. Observe yourself and you sound current carefully as you listen.

Changing Tones

In sound current mediation techniques, these sounds maybe modulated to produce desired states of conscious awareness. Specific states are associated with certain tones. Knowing a tone allows one to summon a specific related state of awareness.

Seeing the Sound Current

Many people receive light impressions while perceiving the sound current. Close your eyes. Imagine you are inside your head looking at the inside of your forehead, just above and between your eyes. From that place listen to the sound current and observe. Do not judge.

Receiving the Sound Current

Most people do not consciously perceive the sound current. It is filtered out on a subconscious level. As an example of how it happens, listen to a spiral seashell. The white noise it produces is an amplification of the sound of moving air. A similar noise occurs in your own ears. It is always there, but you do no hear it. The reason you are not aware of its presence is that your brain does no consider it critical to your physical well-being, since is does not require conscious attention or action. The information is regarded as non-threatening, monotonous, background noise. It is considered superfluous and is there fore disregarded. It never reached you on a conscious level.

But if a strong wind picks up, then that is a survival issue. Your brain is interested in threatening weather conditions. Suddenly, you hear the sound of moving air very well, because it is above normal background limits. But when our systems are running within normal tolerances, background information is not reported to the conscious mind.

Exercise : Shifting Awareness

Sitting comfortably, lightly touch your forehead just above and between the eyebrows. This is called the “third eye chakra”. With your eyes closed move your awareness to that point. Allow several seconds to get a feel of being there. Now, move your hand to the back of your head. Touch lightly on the knob of the back of your head, which is opposite your third eye chakra. This new area is called the “willpower” because it is the source of your personal will. With eyes closes, send your awareness to this new point. Get a feel of being there. Next repeat this exercise without your finger, using only your awareness. Then move your awareness to the center of your head. From there, move back in you head until you find a natural resting place for your awareness. This will be the place from which you will do your beginning meditation techniques.

Exercise : Listening to the Sound Current

Mantra meditation is the foundation of sound current meditation. When you are comfortable with that technique, it is time to add the sound current.

The sound current is usually noticed first in the right ear. Right-side tones lead up to the higher awareness. This is the easiest and most secure way to begin. Simply listen for the sound in, or near the right side of the head.

In time, you will hear buzzing, ringing or roaring sounds. They may come as a feeling or vibration more than hearing. You may perceive the sound current as light. As you listen, you will become more connected with the sound current. It may seem familiar, like something you remember from a long time ago. You may hear many other tones. Listen to the highest, finest vibrating tone. Gently monitor your impressions. Listen to your own inner knowing. Be your own guide.

Exercise : Following the Sound Current

Once you are comfortable with mantra mediation and listening to the sound current, you can begin playing in the tones. Essentially the procedure is to begin with mantra mediation to quiet the mind and enter into a higher state of awareness. When you hear then sound current, begin listening for the higher, finer tones on your right side.

When you are listening to a tone on your right side, it may be you hear another higher, finer tone further to the right. Move your attention to that tone. It will lead you to higher fields of awareness that constitute greater realms of energy and wisdom in the Cosmos and in your own being. Remember the journey moves simultaneously into inner and outer worlds as you follow the sound current up and back to the right.

During the process you usually lose track of your mantra. You are then using the sound current as your mantra.

Currents of Sound

The sound current is like two rivers of energy. One flows down to the manifestation. That is the left-hand side. The other flows upward, back to its Source. Perceived as a distance, these rivers are shinning ribbons of light. As your awareness draws closer you being to hear the sounds of rushing waters. You can sit by the river’s edge and be soothed and enlightened by the sounds of dancing cataracts. Or you may enter into the stream. There you will be transported. Your Inner Awareness determines the final destination. The ideal path is to learn at the river’s edge until your conscious becomes familiar with the flow. Simply listen at first. Then you can enter. All this is directed by your intent. Proceed like you know how. On some level you do. Spirit will acknowledge you intent and guide you.

Exercise : Entering the Sound Current

Enter the sound current is accomplished by choice, or intent. Focus your attention into it rather than on it. This a bold manoeuvre. It can sweep your consciousness away. The securest method is to maintain the focus of your consciousness on the crown of your head. This crown chakra is located at your hair swirl just behind the top of the head.

Allow your spiritual sight to follow the sound current. Think of it as a flying portion of your awareness by remote control from your crown chakra. When your session is complete, return your all thoughts to your physical body.

What should I expect?

Good question. The answer is limitless. Expect a quiet, peaceful mind, which remains with you longer and longer throughout the day as you practice. A sense of inner centering will grow. From that place of Inner Silence in your Self, you will be able to flow more easily in all realities and situations including daily life.

You may see other beings, other worlds, or manifest any number of psychic experiences. These are the worlds of the mystics. Humans are powerful beings. You are in charge. Always use your best judgement. Take command when required. You may call upon your own inner higher awareness for guidance. Be reverent of everything, but do not be overly impressed by anything. Do not be afraid. Listen to your feelings. You are connected to all things. In a very real sense, you are the center of your world. In that place, you are more powerful than anything you meet in mediation. Trust your inner Self. Spirit will guide you.

Final note

I have studied with many master teachers. Much of the information I have been exposed to was considered too potent for the general public. All the secret and popularized practices I have studied, and all the other energy techniques with which I am familiar, pale in comparison to sound current techniques.

There is power, wisdom, awareness and great mystery in the sound current. Listening to the sound current will help you become aware of the awareness of the Cosmos. It will bring Self-Awareness. Listening to the sound current is becoming aware of awareness Itself.

link to above article followed by interesting comments and replies

Also, I was astonished to find a large number of entries of Tinnitus in connection with Surat Shabd Yoga. Google search listing

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