Saturday, 27 July 2019

Christopher Langhan, and the Cognitive -Theoretic Model of the the Universe

Blogger ref

 It is claimed that Christopher Langhan has an IQ of around 200...!  He is the originator of the Cognitive -Theoretic Model of the the Universe which has received much public attention, and controversy. concerning its claims.

The following is a comment he made about Multi-Dimensional Science, or MDS on one of his forums on July 10th 2019...He seemed to be impressed, and it was quite a number of months before he actually made his thoughts known...

Thanks, Robert. Very offer some good ideas. But lest anyone assume that all we do around here is grope toward the "new paradigm" along with the rest of the circus clowns, we already have it, and it's a lock. It's an "absolute truth-structure" called a supertautology, and it takes the form of something called the Metaformal System, AKA  the CTMU. (It has been out for decades, but academia is too full of know-it-alls and self-absorbed self-styled geniuses to have picked up on it). The only thing standing between MDS and the new paradigm is interpretation in the CTMU metaphysical framework (which by the way, itself has a very particular approach to psi phenomena). The good news is that this may be possible for some of it. Thanks again.....


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