Monday, 11 November 2013

A Listing of Parapsychology Links


(In fact I'm unhappy with the term `parapsychology', as with many of the terms used in this area; it is, however, so well established that it would be confusing if I used my own terminology - even if I had any alternatives that I thought were satisfactory.)

[Societies, etc.] [Research centres] [Journals]
[Personal sites] [Miscellaneous]
See also my Philosophy of Parapsychology section.



Societies & similar organisations

* American Society for Psychical Research
Details of the Society, membership, events, publications (including their journal), and various on-line materials.
* Centre for Frontier Sciences
At Temple University. The site offers an introduction to the Centre, its journal, events, etc.
* Exceptional Human Experience Network
Details of the organisation and its work, membership,and subscription details, etc.
* Institute for Frontier Science
Details of the Institute -- membership, events, research, and publications (including its on-line journal.
* International Association for Near-Death Studies
Usual info. about membership, events, publications, and their journal.
* International Society of Life Information Science (ISLIS)
"ISLIS was founded in Japan in 1995. It is a scientific professional society for anomalous phenomena research: for example, qigong, parapsychology, anomalous somatic science, anomalous human function, Oriental medicine, alternative medicine, etc.. It is a non-profit making society with world-wide membership."
The society also produces a bilingual, thrice-yearly journal.
* International Survivalist Society
"founded by Thomas Jones of Wales and David Duffield of West Virginia on 11th April 2002, with the aim of publishing articles, books and photographs relating to survival after death and psychical research. It is an independent, non-profit organisation which regularly cooperates with many distinguished psychical researchers and parapsychologists across the globe."
* Parapsychology Foundation
Details of the Foundation and its work, publications, grants, etc.
* Society for Psychical Research
Founded in the 19th century, and apparently still going strong.

Research centres

* Bio-Emission Laboratory
"The Bio-Emission Laboratory is a laboratory of the NIRS: National Institute of Radiological Sciences of the Japanese Government. Parapsychological phenomena have been studied [there in] recent years. N.B. This is a reduced version of their page - the full version is temporarily available only to those with user-names and passwords (contact for access.
* Consciousness Research Laboratory
The site is now frames crippled, but I've linked to the main section.
* Koestler Parapsychology Unit
University of Edinburgh. Set up and funded using money left in their wills by Arthur Koestler and his wife.
* Rhine Research Centre
Institute for Parapsychology, at Duke University.


* Encounters: Journal of Parapsychology
Est. 1937, published quarterly. Subscription details, etc.
* European Journal of Parapsychology
Produced annually, and based at Edinburgh's Koestler Parapsychology Unit (see above). This page contains subscription details, and the contents of the latest issue.
* Frontier Science
On-line journal of the Institute for Frontier Science.
* Human Nature
Survival of Death and Psychical Research. Subscriptions details, links to the people involved.
* Intuition Magazine
Subscription details, etc., plus information about related events, publications, "tips & techniques", and so on. We're definitely at the non-academic end of the spectrum here, I think.
* Journal of American Society for Psychical Research
Published quarterly. Subscription details, abstracts of recent articles.
* Journal of the International Society of Life Information Sciences
English & Japanese versions. Subscription details and recent tables of contents.
* Journal of Near-Death Studies
Index of back issues, subscription details, and instructions to authors.
* Journal of Parapsychology
A quarterly journal, founded by McDougall and Rhine, and still based at Duke University. The page offers abstracts and subscription information.

Personal sites

* John Beloff
Some papers on dualism from a parapsychological perspective.
* Michael Grosso
Offers on line some of his writings on consciousness and survival.
* Peter Mulacz
Parapsychology in Austria. In German and English.
* Scott Roberts
Near-Death Experiences - a vast list of links.
* Andreas Sommer
Mainly information about the journal Human Nature.
* Fiona Steinkamp
"Parapsychology Sources on the Internet". Very full, very useful, with links to relevant sites and to on-line or down-loadable literature.
* Charles Tart
On-line papers, links, etc.


* Science Frontiers: Digest of Scientific Anomalies
"Over 1800 reports of the Unusual & Unexplained, Strange Science, Bizarre Biophysics, Anomalous astronomy. From the pages of the world's Scientific Journals." Some relevant material.

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