Friday, 20 September 2013

On Sep 8, 2013, at 11:05 AM, JACK SARFATTI <> wrote:

"Radin draws attention to the similarities between psi phenomena, where events separated in space and time appear to have a connection which can't be explained by known means of communication, and the entanglement of particles resulting in correlations measured at space-like intervals in quantum mechanics, and speculates that there may be a kind of macroscopic form of entanglement in which the mind is able to perceive information in a shared consciousness field (for lack of a better term) as well as through the senses."
I distinguish two levels of entanglement "weak" and "strong.".  The former is consistent with the "no-signal" arguments of mainstream "orthodox" quantum theory. A small minority of "fringe physicists" (including me) think these arguments are circular. With weak entanglement, a third party Eve can in hindsight see patterns of parallel behavior in Alice and Bob although neither Alice nor Bob are directly aware of what the other is thinking etc. With strong entanglement (aka "signal nonlocality" A. Valentini) we have what most people think of as telepathy  and precognition. Alice knows directly and instantly what Bob is thinking. Indeed, Alice may know ahead of time what Bob will think, but hasn't yet.

On Sep 8, 2013, at 10:19 AM, JACK SARFATTI <> wrote:


"Parapsychology is small science.  There are only about 50 people in the entire world doing serious laboratory experiments in the field today, and the entire funding for parapsychology research in its first 130 years is about what present-day cancer research expends in about 43 seconds.  Some may say “What has parapsychology produced in all that time?”, but then one might ask the same of much cancer research.

Of the fifty or so people actively involved in parapsychology research, I have had the privilege to meet at least eight, including the author of the work reviewed infra, and I have found them all to be hard-headed scientists who approach the curious phenomena they study as carefully as physical scientists in any other field.  Their grasp of statistical methods is often much better than their more respectable peers in the mainstream publishing papers in the soft sciences.  Publications in parapsychology routinely use double-blind and randomisation procedures which are the exception in clinical trials of drugs.

The effect sizes in parapsychology experiments are small, but they are larger, and their probability of being due to chance is smaller, than the medical experiments which endorsed prescribing aspirin to prevent heart attacks and banning silicone breast implants.  What is interesting is that the effect size in parapsychology experiments of all kinds appears to converge upon a level which, while small, is so far above chance to indicate “something is going on”.

Before you reject this out of hand, I'd encourage you to read the book or view the videos linked below.  Many people who do this research started out to dismiss such nonsense and were enthralled when they discovered there appeared to be something there."

see also

On Sep 7, 2013, at 8:27 PM, nick herbert <> wrote:


An exploration of mind merge
using physics not chemistry
in less than 1000 words..



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