Thursday, 22 November 2012

How to see Auras

 August 11, 2010 at 5:00 pm        REF California Psychics

Tao of Lakota, North Dakota asks:
How does anybody really “see” auras? My own opinion is that auras are physiological rather than spiritual, but I’m fascinated to understand more.
Psychic Marin responds:
Martha Graham, an American dancer, choreographer and pioneer of modern dance in the 1920s, was able to capture the essence of the human aura, describing it as a vitality, a life force, and an energy that is translated through you into action. Because there is only one “you,” this energetic expression will always be unique.
From a scientific perspective, an aura is the energy field that surrounds the human body, or any matter composed of an atomic structure. Did I lose you already? OK, hang in there with me for a minute. You may feel like you’re in Physics 101.
Within our atomic structure are positive and negative charges that interact with one another. The increase in interaction results in more energy production, visible as a vibrant light or aura.
The crown chakra, the energy source located at the top of our head, is the origin of the aura. Here lies the brain, the most active area of our body.
When you imagine an angel, do you instantly visualize a figure with a halo above its head? The halo, often seen around the heads of prominent religious figures like Mary and Jesus, identifies someone with a strong energy field and sacred aura. Fortunately, we have evolved in our scientific understanding of the aura and equipment has been developed that allows us to capture one’s aura through photography. You may have seen these fancy cameras at psychic fairs. Although aura photography is a useful tool, highly sensitive individuals have the ability to visually see auras without the use of photographic equipment. I will never forget the first time I saw an aura. I did a double take, simply because I had never seen anything quite like it. I thought my eyesight was distorted, or that I was suffering from some form of selectively blurred vision. Little did I know that I was developing the ability to see auras. You too may have this ability, and an afternoon of people-watching from a park bench will help nurture it.
Developing your ability to see auras
1. Find a comfortable bench in a busy park or city street, a place where you will be exposed to a variety of individuals. The more diverse (socially, culturally or economically), the better.
2. Choose a person close by. Try to locate a stationary person, rather than someone in motion, as the aura will be easier to decipher.
3. With an intense gaze (you may want to wear sunglasses so you don’t appear to be staring), watch the person in front of you, paying specific attention to the head area. Visualize their head floating in thin air, allowing the rest of their human form to disappear.
4. Keep your eyes open for as long as possible and avoid blinking. At first, your eyes may burn, which is to be expected. As you practice, the muscles in your eyes will strengthen until you can hold a gaze for a long time. Some professional scryers (crystal ball readers) and aura readers can maintain their intense gaze for a at least 30 minutes.
5. Don’t let your eyes wander. Rather, keep them fixed, looking intensely at the head of the person in front of you.
6. Eventually, the clear details of the face will become blurry, and the human form will begin to appear milky white.
7. Next, you will begin to see light and/or colors surrounding the head. Auras appear in a variety of forms, from rays of light to rings, rainbows or even spots of color. There is no right or wrong way of seeing an aura.
8. If for some reason you have difficulty seeing an aura, choose another person and try the exercise again.
9. Once you have identified an aura surrounding someone, continue watching for at least five minutes. Does the aura change colors? Does it change in intensity, growing stronger or diminishing in brightness? Does it immediately change from one color to another? Note any surrounding activity that could have contributed to a change. Take a look at the following aura attributes to help you understand the meaning of aura colors and patterns.
Aura attributes
Clear/Bright Aura: Positive state of mind, healthy
Invisible/absent Aura: Withdrawn, reluctant, distrustful
Faded/Dull Aura: Illness, sadness, grieving
Red Aura: Active, strength
Pink Aura: Loving, compassionate
Orange Aura: Intellectually strong, honorable
Yellow Aura: Well balanced
Green Aura: Creative, feisty, restless, active
Blue Aura: Healing
Purple Aura: Psychic abilities, mediumship
White Aura: Purity, divine messenger, angelic
Black Aura: Negativity, depression, mental health difficulties
Environmental influences and the energies we absorb from others can take their toll on us. Understanding this and being able to “see” the aura will encourage you to maintain good “aura health.” Identify what aspects of life strengthen or weaken your aura. The stronger your aura, the more it can act like a barrier and offer psychic shielding and protection.
Indulge in the small miracle and beauty of seeing another individual’s aura, and recognize that you possess a gift that allows you to see people through a different perspective. Treat this newly discovered ability with respect and appreciation, and most importantly, use it responsibly!

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